Monday 21 August 2023

Non sequiturs

First day back at Sunday School, colouring pictures about 'B is for Bible', when the child next to me suddenly asks  - "Did you know that pirates still exist?"

A few minutes later he starts talking about the noise turkeys make, and instead of colouring his picture, fills in all the blank space around it with pictures of two turkeys, a nest, a baby turkey and eggs.

I'm going to enjoy having this child in my class! 😊 * 

*I realise that could sound sarcastic but I mean it literally.

Saturday 19 August 2023


Jason Gray's songs so often sum things up perfectly:
"I want to bring the heat
I stop and take a beat
I type, then I delete
Until I find a way to say a kind thing without lying"
~Jason Gray
Oh, but it is cathartic to do the type and then delete bit. (To be on the safe side, type in a notes app, and not somewhere you can accidentally hit send 😄) It's such a shame to be unable to use some of the more colourful or creative phrases in real life, though...

Saturday 12 August 2023

A useful tool

A braille stylus is a useful tool. As well as using it to write braille, you can use it to remove hairs and fluff from your hoover brush.