Tuesday 30 April 2024

Atlantis bureaucracy

Two scenes from Stargate Atlantis. Nothing profound, just funny. Spoilers for Stargate Atlantis Season 5 Episode 14: The Prodigal

(This clip switches from the first scene of the episode to the second last scene of the episode around the halfway mark, but it's not immediately clear - the change is when he says 'anyway I just wanted to stop by...')

Monday 29 April 2024

None of the above

All questionnaire questions should have a 'none of the above' option (preferably with a space to explain why).

'Don't know' is not the same.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Different colours

 It's amazing how different the same pattern can look in different colours.

Squares of patchwork fabric: Blue leaves and navy blue birds on a very pale blue background. Olive green leaves and beige birds on a cream background. Dark green leaves and pale blue birds on a very pale blue background. Olive green leaves and dark grey birds on a beige background. Charcoal leaves and terracotta birds on a light terracotta background.

What a good idea!

I've often thought it odd, that when you get flowers they come with a sachet of food, but then when you change the water - which you're supposed to do - you're throwing away the flower food and now just have plain water.

Obviously someone else thought this was odd, too.

Two sachets of flower food - one labelled 'for today', and one labelled 'for day 3'