Wednesday, 29 January 2025

🍦Analogies need to actually make sense

I came across this explanation of delayed gratification, aimed at children:
"Have you ever had a yummy ice cream cone right in front of you that you really, really wanted to eat? But wait, there’s a trick! Sometimes, instead of eating the ice cream right away, you might decide to save it for later. Why? Because when you wait, it becomes even more delicious!"
Ummm... ice cream?

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Real life v virtual

When looking at a real life globe, you can't zoom in to read small text by using a gesture as you would on your phone 🤦‍♀️

On the plus side, you see everything the right shape and size.

Monday, 20 January 2025

A new year(ish) song

I like to choose a song for each new year, but I couldn't decide - none seemed quite right. Then we sang this last Sunday, and I think it's a good choice:

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Happy World Braille Day!

Colourful letters spelling Happy World Braille day, in both print and Braille. Hands with different skin tones are across the bottom, touching the Braille..

 Here's a video about the importance of Braille:

And here's a shameless plug for my colouring book for blind and visually impaired people