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The 12 Disciples (updated version) Click to see larger. |
There are reasons for most of their appearances - some very tenuous, but it helps to get variety. I'll post proper character sheets for each of them some time - this is just a sneak preview.
I've never actually designed all the disciples before. In my regular work, I have a set of clothes/hairstyle/facial features I always use for Peter, John & Matthew, and the others are just drawn out of my head (if you counted all the different ones I've drawn, they would be more than 12!). But none of them have any character. But for these pictures, I researched what was written about them, and made them into real people.
You may use these pictures for personal use (e.g. a Sunday School class). Please do not publish them in any form, sell them, post them elsewhere on the internet, add them to an image library or do anything else with them. Thanks!
If you would like individual figures, you can download for free here.
Edit: I have now done a Jesus figure too.
Edit II: These pictures are part of a PowerPoint:
You can now buy it by clicking here.
I've never actually designed all the disciples before. In my regular work, I have a set of clothes/hairstyle/facial features I always use for Peter, John & Matthew, and the others are just drawn out of my head (if you counted all the different ones I've drawn, they would be more than 12!). But none of them have any character. But for these pictures, I researched what was written about them, and made them into real people.
You may use these pictures for personal use (e.g. a Sunday School class). Please do not publish them in any form, sell them, post them elsewhere on the internet, add them to an image library or do anything else with them. Thanks!
If you would like individual figures, you can download for free here.
Edit: I have now done a Jesus figure too.
Edit II: These pictures are part of a PowerPoint:
You can now buy it by clicking here.
I love the picture of the 12 disciples and if it's o.k. would like to use it for a sunday school game. But it would be very helpful to know their names. Who's who???
Certainly - as long as you're not publishing it.
Glad you like them!
I'll email you individual pictures of each, which will be more useful.
They are, from left to right:
Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Simon the Zealot, Thaddaeus (aka Judas son of James), James son of Alphaeus, Judas Iscariot
I just discovered your picture of the 12 disciples and would like to use it for a Sunday school lesson with your permission. They are GREAT!
That's fine, as long as you're not publishing them. Glad you like them!
What a refreshing take on the 12! Great for kids and adults, thank you for sharing your talent!
may i get the individual pictures of each disciples?
i'll only use it for my sunday school activity.
this is my email ryco.mp@gmail.com
thanks a lot.
I'll mail them to you.
I would love to have the individual pictures for my Sunday School class also. We are focusing on the Disciples for the next quarter. I have a preschool class and these are great.
email: dhdavisfarms@bellsouth.net
nice..perfect for the Bible school beginners students :DD
glad you like them!
I just started teaching my religous ed class today! I am teaching the 4th graders. I was wondering if I could get the individual pictures of each disciple? B&W or Color would be fine.. my email is: ggjuarez79@hotmail.com
I'm glad so many people are finding these useful!
These are awesome! Do you have Jesus to go along with these? I printed them on photo paper and taped them to craft sticks for circle time, we also used them as passengers in the fishing boats we made last week. I'm working on Bingo cards for this Sunday's lesson and wanted to use a pic of Jesus for a "free space"... if not I will figure something else out. Thanks so much for sharing! The kids love them :)
I don't, but someone else asked for one a while back, too, so I think it would make sense if I did one.
I do have a pencil drawing, so it shouldn't be too difficult to ink & colour.
I'll post another comment when I get it done.
Lots of good uses you've put them to!
The Jesus figure is now up here:
Love these! I would love for you to email the individual disciples if at all possible. Thank you for your hard work!
I love the pictures you have of the disciples and would like to use them in a Sunday School activity of Jesus calling His disciples to follow Him. I'd love individual pictures as well! Thanks : )
I have been looking for good picture of Jesus helpers for my preschool class. I would love to be able to use these, and your Jesus figure as well. They are wonderful. Thank you for sharing your talent!
email fabranch@earthlink.net
These are great. I will use them with my 5K Sunday School class. Thanks for sharing!
I would love the individual images too, please. I think they would make a good matching game.
Thank you!
such a wonderful way to teach about fishers of men - pls. send me the info and images. thanks so much
These are wonderful! I'd love the individual images for our children's Bible study class, if you don't mind sharing.
Oops...forgot my email address.
megpresley (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Kristy....can the disciples be enlarged to print out as an 8x10....I would like to put them on my Sunday Schooll classroom walls and/or use them for Children's Church to help our kids learn the names of Jesus 12 helpers.....please let me know if & how to enlarge .... My email is: ajmorris008@yahoo.com (thank u) I have been searching for poster board punch outs for the disciples but cannot find anything ...thanks again!
Hi Kristy, Can I use the disciples for a Memory game for a group of children. I need to make a bout 100. Our Club Name is Adventurers.
My email is: adventurer_mommy@yahoo.com
March 4, 2013
I am organising a Sunday School in England and would love to use these pictures for the kids. Are you able to email me the individual images to mark@markbeanland.co.uk
Many thanks
Hi, I would love a copy of the individual disciples for my Sunday School class too.alisongriffis@yahoo.com~Thanks :)
I would love to have a copy of the individual disciples for my prek-4 bible class. They are just want I've been looking for!
Can you send me an email at:
kirstymca (at) clara (dot) co (dot) uk
and I'll send you them!
Would love to use these figures with my Childrens Church class tomorrow! Starting a unit of study on Mission Work and thought Fishers of Men would be the focus! Thanks for your help!
Ooops, heres my email: cunningham@aircanopy.net
Hi, these are great! Thanks for sharing your talent with us! May God richly bless you! I would love to have a copy of this sent to me, i plan on only using it in my Sunday school class. My email is mountainrain69@yahoo.com
I really like your illustrations! I would like individual pictures of the 12 disciples. I want to decorate my classroom walls with these. Also, are the power point lessons available in another form? I have a small class but would like to use these with my lessons.
Hello again! I'm anonymous on September 30 18:46. My email is lmcfatter@comcast.net. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.
I would also love to have the patterns of the individual disciples to use in my Sunday School class.... and the pattern for Jesus.....
I just used this illustration today for my Sunday school class. The figures are wonderful; thanks so much for creating and posting them!
Thanks - glad you like them!
Thank you for sharing your pictures. I am very excited to use your picture to teach my son about these wonderful men of God. I also wanted to say that you did a great job with your Jesus picture and I really appreciate what you had to say about why you drew him that way. Thanks again. God Bless.
You're welcome!
Can you send me the individual pictures of the apostles? I will use them for Bible class
here is my email reynoldsrs5@windstream.net
Hi there,
What a fantastic job! Would you mind sharing them with me so that I could use them to tell the story of Easter to my Sunday School children next week?
No problem - but I'll need your email address! You can use the contact form on the right of the blog.
Hey Kristy! Wow! these drawings are awesome! I would love to use them for Summer Sunday School. We'll be focusing on a disciple a week and having the individual pictures would be a great help. Would you mind sharing them with me? Thanks
Hey Kirsty!
What amazing talent!
I'd love to have the patterns of the individual disciples and the pattern for Jesus if you agree.
my email: anke@familie-schlake.de
Thank you for sharing!
I'd love to have the individual pictures of the disciples. If you would email me. Thanks! Courtney
Hi Courtney,
Apologies for delay - I'll send them as soon as I can!
Simon was from Cana like the woman who said "Even dogs eat the crumbs from the master's table." All that to say, he probably looked a lot like a darker skinned American.
Thanks for sharing,
@mrdmcarter on Twitter
Hi Kristy,
Great work! I'd love to have the individual pictures of the disciples, in other to teach my kids. If you would email me. Thanks! Levi
Hi Kristy!
Our children's stories for church have all been recorded and are virtual because our church has not returned to the building. Is there any way that I can put this in our story where we are talking about the disciples? We will keep your rights and credits. It would just be streamed in our Youtube children's story. Please let me know if this is possible. I have looked far and wide and I think that yours is the best depiction that I have seen.
Thank you in advance for whatever you decide!
Hi Nina,
Yes, that's completely fine - thanks for asking!
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but I had to replace my computer screen...
I would love to have individual pictures with their name and all about them in detail I think it would help kids to know more .Thank you for this picture its very useful I have used it in My Sunday School
Just wanted you to know that these are the sweetest drawn disciples I've found anywhere and I absolutely love their characteristics! I used them today to help tell the story of Jesus calling the disciples and had my kiddoes come up on stage and represent the 12! It was perfect! Thank you so much for this blessing! Will be on the look out for your art in the future!
Thasnks, Sunshine!
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