Friday 18 February 2022


I am more and more convinced that there is no substantial difference between the beliefs and actions of the Nazis and the beliefs and actions of British (and other) colonial powers.

The details are different, but both believed they were superior to other people, and therefore had a right to take their land and mistreat or even exterminate anyone who got in their way.

I can see only two real differences:

  • The Nazis were fighting against people with a (broadly) similar culture and appearance. Because the colonialists were fighting people whose culture and appearance was completely different, they could believe (erroneously) that these people were therefore inferior or even subhuman. The Nazis had far smaller differences to use as an excuse.

  • The colonialists succeeded. This, I think, is the main difference. History is written by the victors.
    So those who fought against the colonists were fierce murderous savages, unreasonably resisting progress, civilisation, and the rights of white* people to do whatever they want. Those who fought against the Nazis were heroes. 

*Obviously it's not only white people who act in this way - people all over the world have done so since the beginning of time. But I don't know enough about that to comment, and it's not the point of this post.

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