Monday, 3 March 2025

DIY advice my dad gave me

When drilling, make a little pocket out of scrap paper, and fix it to the wall with masking tape. Then all the plaster/brick dust will fall into the pocket, instead of onto the floor. Throw the pocket away - no cleanup neccessary!

A drill about to drill a hole, above a paper pocket.


Saturday, 1 March 2025

Easter stickers

I'm not very good at updating this blog with my actual art 🤦

I've recently got easter stickers printed.

First, some brand NEW designs, aimed at younger children, or new contacts who know very little about Jesus. Still the focus on Jesus' death and - especially - resurrection. Nice and cheerful and Eastery. Lots of eggs! But avoiding the wall-to-wall pastels and fluffiness that is characteristic of lots of Easter stuff.

 I also reissued my classic Easter designs as paper stickers. Aimed at primary school children. More depth on why Jesus died and rose - probably best for church kids who know the basics. Leaning into the sometimes ghoulish tastes of small boys💀!
A picture of 12 square sticker designs. Colours are mostly red, black, green and yellow,  1) Bread & wine. Text: Jesus said, Remember me 2) Palm leaves. Text: Hosanna! 3) A gold cross with radiating lines. Text: Jesus loves me 4) A cross against a splash of blood. Text: Christ died for our sins 5) Silhouette of 3 crosses agains red sky. Text: Jesus died for me! 6) Cross made from coins. Text: Jesus paid for us 7) Broken chain. Text: Jesus sets us free! 8) Sunrise behind 3 crosses. Text: The Son has risen 9) Empty tomb. Text: Jesus is alive! 10) A seedling. Text: Jesus gives new life 11) A skull. Text: Jesus has beaten death 12) An Easter egg with a cross on it. Text: Thank you Jesus!
A sheet of easter stickers with a toy roman soldier, green leaves, plastic eggs and an easter chick
I have other Easter stickers still available while stocks last. Find them all here.