Saturday, 21 November 2020

Emoji people

 Oddly, if you're a Google emoji person with a specified hairstyle (curly, red, bald, blond), you also have shoulders, whereas if you have generic hair you don't.

This is annoying and untidy. 

It also means there will be no gingers, bald people or curly haired people in the New Jerusalem.*

*As depicted in my Sunday School lesson

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Unlikely music

'Minimalist German Techno' doesn't really sound like it would be a musical genre that would appeal to me.

But I came across a playlist called Techno for Working Hard a while back. It says it's 'for when you need to focus on getting things done' - and it really does work!

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Crochet centre

Did you know it's possible to replace the centre of a crochet square without taking the whole thing apart?

Neither did I, but I thought I'd try and see.

I'd somehow managed to make one of the scallops with only two trebles, and it looked weird 

(I also, oddly, had the first scallop of each row with a chain and three trebles, so I had enough spare wool).

So, first I unpicked it and unravelled the centre.

Then I started as usual, did the first scallop and the following chain.

Then, with a narrow crochet hook, I pulled all the long tail of wool through the two corner scallops of the next row (helps to hold the loop at the end of the chain on another crochet hook while you're doing this), and then pulled the chain through as well.

I then carried on with the next scallop and chain, pulled it through, and so on...

And here's the finished result - much more balanced!

It was obviously rather more complicated than redoing the whole thing, but I think it was quicker. And it certainly was more interesting.😄

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Digital wellbeing

Google has randomly added this app to my phone - and it's a good one.

It allows you to keep track of screen time, and also you can set timers on certain apps - though stopping in the middle of a song when the timer runs out is a bit unnecessary!