Saturday, 30 January 2010
I was sitting in my clearing in the woods, looking at the bark of the trees, and how different they all are (some smooth, some rough). In Narnia, the spirits of those trees would have very different characters. So I thought, "I wonder if trees do have spirits"
"Of course not," is the automatic answer. They're merely physical things. Nothing there but what you see. And I felt kind of sad when I thought that.
But are they? Is a dog merely a physical entity? What about a goldfish, or a pigeon, or a greenfly? Do some/all of these have 'spirits'? What is a spirit anyway, and is it as distinct from our body as we think? (I believe that's more a Greek idea.) So, if animals are, in some way, not just physical beings, what about trees? Or stones? or blades of grass?
One thing's for sure: If trees do have spirits, they are not gods or godesses to be worshipped. Rather, they are creations of God, for his glory.
Psalm 148
Praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD from the heavens,
praise him in the heights above.
Praise him, all his angels,
praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars.
Praise him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies.
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for he commanded and they were created.
He set them in place for ever and ever;
he gave a decree that will never pass away.
Praise the LORD from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
stormy winds that do his bidding,
you mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars,
wild animals and all cattle,
small creatures and flying birds,
kings of the earth and all nations,
you princes and all rulers on earth,
young men and maidens,
old men and children.
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for his name alone is exalted;
his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.
He has raised up for his people a horn,
the praise of all his saints,
of Israel, the people close to his heart.
Praise the LORD.
Isaiah 55:12
You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands.
Luke 17v37-40
When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:
"Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!"
"Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!"
"I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."
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Hey - I didn't know you were blogging till this minute. Great stuff. Keep it up. Though I'd question the spirits bit the rest is delightful.
Thanks John!
Thought the blogging thing was worth a try anyway.
I'd question the spirits bit too - no conclusions, just wondering.
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