Tuesday 28 May 2024

The eye of the beholder

I was in the train, and a bunch of kids came on, on a school trip.

Obviously the four wee girls in front of me had never been into town on the train before. I caught snatches of their conversation as they exclaimed about everything:

"It's beautiful - look at it. Look at the design. It's like someone's drawn on the bricks."

A glimpse through the bushes of a wall with graffitti (fairly boring graffitti)
This was what she was seeing.

"Ohhhhhh.... Guys, look!"

 No idea what she was referring to - all I could see was a plain stone wall.
"Ohhhh... Woaahhh...."
This was some more run down urban scenery.
"Look! It's like such nice sights!"
That was as we crossed the Clyde - not sure if she was referring to the river or the buildings.
And finally, as we entered Glasgow Central:
"Ohhhh... Look at this place!"

I know I notice things other people don't see, but they were really taking it to the next level, and getting so much joy out of it.

Made me think of this song by Yvonne Lyon.

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